Posts In: architecture

Give a Home – Amnesty benefit gig by Sofar Sounds Oxford

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Give a Home - Sofar Amnesty benefit gig

Give a Home – Amnesty benefit gig Last week there was a global event held by Sofar Sounds in…

New Theatre Conference Setup

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New Theatre conference setup

This week I was asked by New Theatre Oxford to photograph the theatre with their conference setup so…

La Rochelle at Night (and early evening)

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La Rochelle - France

I visited the amazing La Rochelle last week.  Unfortunately I was only there for one night but I…

Simpsons Estate Agent Abingdon photos

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If you have been out and about in Abingdon in the last couple of weeks, you may have…

This Week – Instagram

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The Hollybush, Witney

Although I have had an Instagram account for about 7 months, I have mostly ignored it.  That was…

This Week – South Park Oxford

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South Park, Oxford sunset.

Last week, after years of procrastination, I finally bought a Canon Extender EF 2x III while I was…

Oxford Night Photography

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Radcliffe Camera Oxford at Night

Last Monday I started a project of Oxford Night Photography that I have had in mind for some time…