Posts In: photo

Kraftwerk at New Theatre Oxford

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Last night I had the opportunity to photograph one of the first successful pop acts to popularise electronic music,…

1970s Fantic Chopper shoot.

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Fantic Chopper

Last month I was asked to shoot an old 1970s Fantic Chopper 50cc bike.  The owner had the…

This Month – Nightshift photo – Kanadia

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Kanadia gig at the Bullingdon

Following on from my post last week of photos from the Kanadia gig at The Bullingdon, the local monthly…

La Rochelle at Night (and early evening)

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La Rochelle - France

I visited the amazing La Rochelle last week.  Unfortunately I was only there for one night but I…

Simpsons Estate Agent Abingdon photos

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If you have been out and about in Abingdon in the last couple of weeks, you may have…

This Week – Beatles at Brasenose photo re-creation

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Beatles at Brasenose College Oxford & Tribute act Let It Be

Today I have been re-creating a photograph of The Beatles taken at Brasenose College Oxford in March 1964 with…

Common People – Today’s Oxford Mail Print Photos

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Oxford Mail 31st May 2016

Some of my photos from Common People Oxford appeared in The Oxford Mail today.  You can see them in all their glory…

Common People – Oxford Mail Online Photos

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PRIMAL SCREAM at Common People

The Oxford Mail online have published an article with some of my photos from yesterday at Common People Oxford including…

This Week – South Park Oxford

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South Park, Oxford sunset.

Last week, after years of procrastination, I finally bought a Canon Extender EF 2x III while I was…

Starlings Murmuration at Otmoor RSPB Reserve

11th February 2016 Nature, Photography
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Starlings Murmuration at Otmoor, Oxfordshire

Went to see the starlings murmuration at Otmoor RSPB Reserve, Oxfordshire today with my fellow Oxford photographer Johnny…